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Ideal for neurologists and other health care professionals who treat patients with neuromuscular diseases, Neuromuscular Case Studies, 2nd Edition, presents more than 100 cases of both common and rare neuromuscular disorders. Dr. Tulio E. Bertorini provides the latest tools and strategies for diagnosis and management that minimize disability and maximize quality of life for your patients, including up-to-date coverage of numerous recent advances in the field. Using a multidisciplinary approach, this practical text contains two parts: the first includes basic aspects of anatomy, physiology, diagnostic tests, and therapeutic strategies; the second describes specific cases and their diagnosis and management.

Chapter 1

Anatomy and physiology of the peripheral nervous system.

Chapter 2

Neurological evaluation including history and clinical examination, and diagnostic tests which include electromyography, laboratory studies, histology, genetic testing and imaging.

Chapter 3

Therapies of neuromuscular disorders describe different treatments which include:

  1. Painful neuropathies.
  2. Dysautonomic neuropathy.
  3. Immunotherapy in neuromuscular diseases.
  4. Novel genetic therapies

Case Studies: at least 100 neuromuscular cases which include description of the patients, differential diagnosis description of electrodiagnostic and histological tests and discussion of the disease and therapies.



    • ISBN
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    • Éditeur
    • Date de publication
      14 février 2024
    • Format

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