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This volume, containing orations 1-18, is the first of four volumes intended to replace the previous Oxford Classical Text of Demosthenes, begun in 1901, in the light of more recent scholarship. It is based on a thorough study not only of the medieval manuscript tradition but of papyrus fragments, some of them published only in the past few years, and of quotations in other authors, many of which have nor previously been used for this purpose; a comprehensive apparatus of testimonia is printed underneath the text. The remaining volumes are scheduled to appear at four-yearly intervals. Professor Dilts is a well-known editor of Greek texts, including the scholia to both Demosthenes and Aeschines.Mervin R. Dilts is Emeritus Professor, Department of Classics, New York University.


    • ISBN
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    • Éditeur
    • Date de publication
      1 mars 2005
    • Format

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