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La 4e de couv. indique : "This book is an introduction to financial valuation and financial data analyses using econometric methods. It is intended for advanced finance undergraduates and graduates. Most chapters in the book would contain one or more finance application examples where finance concepts, and sometimes theory, are taught. This book brings together the three important domains of financial valuation theory, econometrics modelling, and in the empirical analyses of financial data. These domains are highly intertwined. The novel pedagogical approach in this book is in employing materials in basic econometrics, particularly linear regression analyses, and weaving into it threads of foundational finance theory, concepts, ideas, and models. It provides for very effective learning by a finance professional or student who wants to be well equipped in both theory and ability to research the data using the appropriate econometrics and statistical techniques. Students learn all three skills at once - finance, econometrics, and data analyses."



    • ISBN
    • Code produit
    • Éditeur
    • Date de publication
      16 juin 2015
    • Format