Image du produit Density of lifes = Les vies denses
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Présentation de trois projets architecturaux de logement interrogeant la notion de densité, imaginés par Ingrid Taillandier Architectures. Les auteurs montrent notamment comment les habitants s'approprient les lieux.

ITAR architectures aims to build reasonable density. They put the notion of sustainable urbanism to the test of inhabitability in a way that makes its benefits plainly obvious. To densify is to limit urban sprawl and the artificialization of soils, which can go hand in hand with an enhanced quality of the private sphere. These three books describe three recent projects, look at density through the prism of inhabitants, show how they appropriate the premises and present highly desirable forms of urban living..



    • ISBN
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    • Éditeur
    • Date de publication
      24 octobre 2022
    • Format

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